Self Care pt 1

Staying Healthy to Stay Happy

A Guide for Women

Happiness, health and wealth are interrelated. So regardless of how healthy your finances are today, if you are not healthy and do not stay that way, you could end up being unhappy in retirement (and your finances could suffer too).

But have no fear, there are a number of things you can do to that can improve your health—and you can start right away.

 The basics

It starts with the basics. Yes, this seems obvious, but many women (and men) overlook these things or push them off until finally it’s too late:

  •  Have your annual physical—this can help keep you healthy and identify if there is anything going on you should be concerned about.
  • Have your pap smear, breast exam and colonoscopy annually—these types of exams are critical to finding cancer or other diseases early.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year (at least)—did you know that gum health is related to heart health? There’s even new evidence suggesting oral health is related to things like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Take heart

Did you know that heart disease is the leading killer of women? It’s true. And even if you’ve never had a problem (that you’re aware of) with your heart, you need to be sure to be taking care of it. That includes:

  • Eating healthy, regular meals
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Reducing stress
  • And more

 Some of these items may be easier said than done, but there is one that can help you to achieve many of the others—exercising. Regular exercise can help you lose or maintain weight and can help you reduce stress, while keeping your heart strong. And exercise doesn’t have to be something you dread—it can be fun. It’s also a good idea to wear workout clothes that you actually like. Baggy t-shirts and ripped sweats may be comfy, but they may not be flattering and definitely don’t motivate you. And make sure the clothes fit too—there is nothing worse than trying to adjust your clothing while in a “down dog”. Trust me, I know.

Get moving

Exercise can be as simple as taking a daily walk or as strenuous as running a marathon. The key is to find something you enjoy and have fun with it:

  •  You can meet a friend and go for a walk or a bike ride.
  • You can get a group of women together to train for a 5k.
  • You can take yoga classes, boxing classes, spin classes or any number of things to get started.

There are also many services that let you stream workouts right at home to your smart TV, computer or phone whenever and wherever you are, like Beach Body, Daily Burn, Aaptiv and many others. And, of course, you can always hire a personal trainer.

It can be a great idea to simply try different things and mix it up, so you don’t get bored or frustrated. But the key is to just get started—every small step can make a big difference in your health today and your happiness tomorrow.

While some workouts are free, others can cost a pretty penny. Gasber Financial can help you determine how to fit these types of programs into your finances. In the next installment, we’ll discuss some ideas for taking care of your mental and emotional health.